Official Language: English (spoken by 92%)
Secondary Language: Spanish (spoken by 39%)
Tertiary Language: German (spoken by 15%)
Bedistani telephone numbers use the following format:
(aaa) bb-cccc
Where (aaa) is the three-digit area code, bb is the two-digit city code, and cccc is the unique phone number.
Note: In urban areas, a city can have multiple city codes.
With this system, there are theoretically 1,000,000,000 possible telephone numbers available.
Area codes have not yet been assigned, but the number indicates which state it is located in:
000-199 = not in use
200-249 = Federal District
250-299 = Paruvia
300-349 = Neshoba
350-399 = Homeria
400-449 = Sonoma
450-499 = Athalia
500-549 = Escambia
550-599 = Frontera
600-649 = Limpania
650-699 = Palladia
700-749 = Salvana
750-799 = Latia
800-849 = Novania
850-899 = Highland
900-999 = not in use
Every building is given a number such that all buildings on one side of a road have even numbers, all buildings on the other side have odd numbers, and the numbers are sequential (e.g. 852, 854, 856, 858, all on one side of the road).
Mailing addresses incorporate this number and the name of the road (example: "2509 Highway 294"), followed by the city and two-letter state postal abbreviation (example: "New Town, NO"), and then a five-digit postal code (example: "95151").
The two-letter state postal abbreviations are as follows:
Athalia = AT
Escambia = ES
Federal District = FD
Frontera = FR
Highland = HD
Homeria = HO
Latia = LA
Limpania = LM
Neshoba = NS
Novania = NO
Palladia = PL
Paruvia = PA
Salvana = SA
Sonoma = SO
As with telephone area codes, postal codes have not been assigned yet, but they will be divided by state:
00000-19999 = not in use
20000-24999 = Federal District
25000-29999 = Paruvia
30000-34999 = Neshoba
35000-39999 = Homeria
40000-44999 = Sonoma
45000-49999 = Athalia
50000-54999 = Escambia
55000-59999 = Frontera
60000-64999 = Limpania
65000-69999 = Palladia
70000-74999 = Salvana
75000-79999 = Latia
80000-84999 = Novania
85000-89999 = Highland
90000-99999 = not in use
All Internet domain names of Bedistani origin will use the suffix ".bd".
© 2005 Bedistan Department of Public Affairs